The course provides some useful guidance throughout the whole process from initial ideas to writing it up and presenting the findings. There are 8 blocks which begin by outlining the nature of research and the marketing methods typically used by companies in service industry. Course provides some guidance on how to plan a project, and gives the practical suggestions in terms of sampling, questionnaire design and data collection. Also, it covers details of approaches to data analysis in both quantitative and qualitative contexts. We explain some information for those using computer software packages such as SPSS.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the curse students should be able to:
1. identify and appraise secondary research sources
2. compare and contrast a range of primary research methods
3. analyse primary research data effectively
4. demonstrate understanding through the production of a research plan and a practical research project
Additional skills and knowledge:
5. determine the various stages in the planning process
6. identify the ethical issues to consider when undertaking research.
7. understand how to determine a sampling unit and construct an appropriate sampling frame
8. appreciate the necessary criteria when deciding the size of a sample.
9. explore different types of measurement scales
10. provide a summary of quantitative methods, their advantages and disadvantages and when they should be used
11. provide a summary of qualitative methods and when they should be used
identify some basic principles and techniques of quantitative data analysis.Indicative Content 1.Business and
management research, reflective diaries and the purpose of the course. Introduction. The nature of the research. Business and
management research. The research process. Keeping a reflective diary or
research notebook. The purpose and structure of course. Summary. 2.Formulating and clarifying the research topic.
Introduction. Attributes of a good research topic. Generating
and refining research ideas. Turning research ideas into research projects. Writing
your research proposal. Summary. 3.Understanding research philosophy and approaches
to theory development. Introduction. The
philosophical underpinnings of business and management. Five major philosophies.
Approaches to theory development. Summary. 4.Formulating the research design. Introduction. Choice
and coherence in research design. Methodological choice: the use of a
quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods research design. Recognising the
purpose of your research design. Choosing a research strategy or strategies. Choosing
a time horizon. Establishing the ethics of the research design. Establishing
the quality of the research design. Taking into account your role as researcher. Summary. 5.Formulating the research design, part 2. Experiment; Survey; Archival
and Documentary Research; Case Study; Ethnography; Action Research; Grounded
Theory; Narrative
Inquiry. 6.Selecting Sample. Introduction. Probability sampling. Non-probability sampling. Summary. 7.Analysing quantitative data. Introduction. Preparing,
entering and checking data. Exploring and presenting data. Describing data
using statistics. Summary 8.Analysing qualitative data. Introduction. The nature of qualitative data. The nature of qualitative
analysis. Preparing your data for analysis. Aids to help your analysis.
Thematic Analysis. Template Analysis. Explanation Building and Testing.
Grounded Theory Method. Narrative Analysis. Discourse Analysis.Content Analysis
and quantifying qualitative data. Data Display and Analysis. Summary.